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8h30 AM
Official Opening
ABIPET – Brazilian Association for PET Industry
Maximilian Yoshioka - President of the Council e Auri Marçon - Executive President
Vegetable Oil in Brazil, Agriculture and Urban Challenges
Bernardo Pires - Sustainability Manager of ABIOVE
Non-alcoholic Beverage Market in Brazil
Victor Bicca Neto - President of ABIR
9h20 AM
Panel 1
Advocating the Sustainability of PET challenges and opportunities
Colm Jordan - Global Head of Advocacy and Education with Indorama Ventures PCL
PET - A World of Sustainable Opportunities
Mariano Herrera Menghi - Director of Product Development Innovation and PMO, Amcor Rigid Packaging Latin America
Technological Innovations and ESG Targets
Paulo Carmo - Rigid Packaging Business Manager, Brasil
10h40 - 11h10 AM Coffee-break
11h10 AM
Panel 2
Technology and Sustainability in PET Sheets
Luis Rameix - Sales & Marketing Director for PET Sheets
Luis Bittencourt - Leads Alpek Polymers' Sales Area in Brazil
Investing in the Circular Economy - how the private equity industry can drive growth and improve the performance of a plastic recycling company.
Tiago Wigman - Co-owner and member of the investment team at eB Capital
New sources of Recycled materials as alternative sources for PET packaging manufacturing
Andres F. Grunewald - Director at Gneuss Latinoamérica
12h30 - 2h PM Lunch
2h PM
Panel 3
Beyond sustainability: deciphering the market dynamics and pricing logic of recycled PET in Brazil
Maurício Jaroski - Leads the circular economy area at Maxiquim.
The technology challenges in PET recycling beyond tomorrow
Korbinian Reiner - Head of Sale - PET Recycling
The importance of Design for successful packaging
Luciana Pellegrino - Executive Director of ABRE
3h10 - 3h40 PM Coffee-break
3h40 PM
Panel 4
Brazilian PET Industry Overview and PET PCR Trends
Auri Marçom - Executive President of ABIPET
Grupo Pão de Açucar (GPA) Experiences at Own Brand Management
Paulo Pompilio - Director of Corporate Relations at Grupo Pão de Açúcar
Innovations for Circularity - Case studies and lessons from Coca-Cola's ESG in Brazil and Southern Cone countries
Rodrigo Brito - Head of Coca-Cola's sustainability area in Brazil and Southern
Cone countries
DEBATE: Circularity, Recycled Content and Brazilian Regulations trends
Abipet / Coca-Cola / Grupo Pão de Açúcar
5h10 PM Closing Ceremony
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