
Colm Jordan
Global Head of Advocacy and Education with
Indorama Ventures PCL

Colm Jordan lead Indorama Ventures’ global political and education engagement. A passionate advocate for evidence-based decision making to create a sustainable world, Colm is an experienced public affairs and communications professional. Formerly a Director of the Irish Beverage Council, representing the fruit juice, soft drinks and bottled water categories, Colm holds a first class Masters in Political Communications from Europe’s leading Communications School, Dublin City University. Before moving to industry he worked in the European Parliament, government departments, politics, and the trade union movement.
His career includes being a key team member in successful general and European election campaigns and appointments by Cabinet to Ireland’s Higher Educational Authority and National Qualifications Authority of Ireland. Awarded a place by the US Government on their International Visitors Program (a Fulbright-Hayes initiative), Colm was also a category winner at the 19th World University Debating Championships in the Philippines Islands.

Rodrigo Brito
Head of Coca-Cola's sustainability area in Brazil and
Southern Cone countries

Rodrigo Brito leads Coca-Cola's sustainability area in Brazil and Southern Cone countries (Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay), being responsible for strategies and projects related to circular economy, water and economic empowerment of the company.
Previously as entrepreneur Rodrigo Co-Funded, managed and today is member of the council of Aliança Empreendedora and Emerge, companies dedicated to promoting and supporting Brazilian entrepreneurship and innovation, forming partnerships with companies such as Eurofarma, BRF, Novartis, JBS, Natura , Boticário Group, Braskem, Aché, among others.
In his career, Rodrigo was recognized and selected by organizations and networks such as Ashoka, Folha de SP and the World Economic Forum. Rodrigo has a degree in Business Administration from UFPR with specializations at Harvard Kennedy School, Yale, Stanford and Indian School of Business.

Luis Henrique Bittencourt
Leads Alpek Polymers' Sales Area in Brazil

Chemical Engineer, graduated from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR) with an Executive MBA from Insper, he began his career at the former Rhodia, in 1990. He has been working in the chemical and polymer market, such as polyester and pet resin, since 1995, and also in the recycled pet segment and sustainable raw materials and textile markets.
He has been working in Alpek Polyester since 2013.

Luis Rameix
Sales & Marketing Director for PET Sheets
at Octal (Alpek)

Graduated in Computer Engineering with an MBA in Finance and Marketing. Specialist in market development, he has been working in the packaging industry for over 30 years.
He has been at Octal since 2017 with the challenge of developing the Latin American market for PET sheets.

Mariano Herrera-Menghi
Director of Product Development Innovation and PMO, Amcor Rigid Packaging Latin America
- Leader with +18 years of experience in Product and Packaging Development for multi-national consumer goods leading Companies
- Worked with The Clorox Company and The Coca-Cola Company and now, and for the past 13 years, working with Amcor
- Developing a team of diverse talent and best human beings in charge of bringing Innovation, New products and Executing Capital projects to serve our customers across Latin America
- Believer of doing the right things for the right reasons, leading with values and by example
Korbinian Reiner
Head of Sale - PET Recycling

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng), Master of Systems Engineering (M.SE)
- Approx 3 years as Area Sales Manager -Sorting Recycling Americas (from USA to Brazil) for Sesotec - Sales of optical sorting machines for the recycling business
- 2 years project manager in a mechanical engineering company
- 2 years Area Sales Manager at Andritz MeWa GmbH - Sales of Shredders and turnkey plants in the Recycling industry
- Since November 2022 Head of Sales Recycling Solutions at Krones AG

Tiago Wigman
Co-owner and member of the investment team
at eB Capital

Tiago co-owner and member of the investment team at eB Capital since 2020. He started his career in 2007 as a trainee at Citibank. Later, he worked at McKinsey & Company (2008-2010/2012-2014), GP Investments (2014-2017), Brazil Hospitality group (2014-2017) and Partners Group (2019-2020). Tiago holds a degree in Law from the University of São Paulo and a Masters in Business Administration with High Honors from the Booth School of Business - University of Chicago.

Renato Caruso
CEO and Co-owner of GreenPCR

Aeronautical Mechanical Engineer, graduated from ITA. He started his career in 1989 at Rhodia in polyester fiber R&D. Founder of the Deckel group in 2000, a pioneer company in Brazil in bottle to bottle PET.
More than 20 years of experience in recycling, injection and blowing of PET bottles. CEO and partner at GreenPCR, a company dedicated to providing PET PCR to the main processors and brand owners in Brazil.

Andres F. Grunewald
Director at Gneuss Latinoamérica
![Logotipo SCHRIFTZUG_GNEUSS [Konvertiert]-1 - PNG.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a9c7fb_f67da2b7117b4f9e85c5715aab75447b~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_157,h_47,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Logotipo%20SCHRIFTZUG_GNEUSS%20%5BKonvertiert%5D-1%20-%20PNG.png)
Mechanical engineer graduated at University of São Paulo in 1989, worked for 25 years in the plastic sector and since 1999 at Gneuss.
Since 2005 as director of the Gneuss Latin American branch.

Paulo Carmo
Rigid Packaging Business Manager, Brasil

Paulo Carmo is the Packaging Business Manager for Brasil, responsible for ensuring that the Brazilian customers are well served by Husky. Paulo holds a degree in mechanical engineering and business by leading institutions such as FGV, FDC and Kellogg, totaling 25 years of experience in several technical-commercial positions at Husky South America. He is an active member of Abipet and Society of Plastics Engineers. His background outside Husky includes long experience in global companies in materials and structural testing & simulation, as well as in the consumables industry for plastics processing.

Victor Bicca
President of the Brazilian Association of Soft Drinks and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (ABIR)

Victor Bicca is President of the Brazilian Association of Soft Drinks and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (ABIR), Director of Government Relations (Relgov) of Coca-Cola Brazil and Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Association of Food Industry (ABIA). Graduated in Law from the University of Brasilia with a specialization in Government Relations, he developed his career in the Relgov area of Caterpillar in Brazil. For 10 years, he also led the Corporate Commitment to Recycling (CEMPRE), taking an active part in the discussion and approval of the National Policy on Solid Waste and the Sectorial Agreement on Packaging.
Auri Marçon
Executive President of ABIPET

Current President of ABIPET – Brazilian Association for PET Industry, member in Councils at Packaging & Food Industries associations and advisor for ESG with expertise in recycling projects.
Managing Partner at Mastersenso, a consulting company providing business expertise for Brazilian companies through a network of recognized executives. Programs developed for Business or Industrial activities covering market strategies, longevity evaluations, M&A assessment and investment opportunities.
Career experiences in several c-level positions: CEO at Polynt and Total Group/CCP Composites, Business Director at Rhodia and M&G, leading Business Management, Supply Chain & Production, Marketing and Project Engineering for over 30 years.
Mechanical Engineer, MBA in Marketing and Finance, Certified Engineer by ASQ/APICS-American Quality and Supply Chain Management Society.

Bernardo Pires
Sustainability Manager at ABIOVE

Sustainability Manager at ABIOVE since 2010, responsible for the entity's programs related to sustainability in the soy chain; Graduated in Forest Engineering and Master in Agricultural Sciences from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), he worked for 3 years in the Environmental Directorate of Veracel Celulose and for 8 years in the Secretariat of Biodiversity and Forestry of the Ministry of the Environment - MMA in Brasília

Maurício Jaroski
Leads the circular economy area at Maxiquim

Maurício Jaroski is a chemical engineer with a specialization in market intelligence and an MBA in Business Analytics. With over 12 years of experience at MaxiQuim consultancy, he is a leader in the field of circular economy, seeking sustainable business solutions for the entire chemical industry sector. In addition, he is the chief editor of bales and recycled resins price reports in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Chile. Throughout his career, Maurício has led several projects that have been essential for investment decision-making and business strategies, demonstrating his ability to analyze complex data and transform it into valuable insights for MaxiQuim's clients.
Paulo Pompilio
Director of Corporate Relations at Grupo Pão de Açúcar

Paulo Pompilio holds a degree in Social Communication, with a postgraduate degree in Business Communication, and an Executive MBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Born in São Paulo, capital, he started working at GPA – Grupo Pão de Açucar in 2001. His current position is Director of Corporate Relations of the Holding of Grupo Casino, representing the company in several Associations. He is 1st Vice-President of Abras-Associação Brasileira de Supermercados and Director of Apas-Associação Paulista de Supermercados, in both associations responsible for the ESG committee. He is on the board of Associations in Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. He is also an adviser to IDV – Institute for the Development of Retail, a member of Fecomercio's Sustainability Committee and was chairman of the Board of CEMPRE – Business Commitment to Recycling – for two terms.
Luciana Pellegrino
Executive Director of ABRE
Luciana is working at ABRE – Associação Brasileira de Pintura since 1997, and since 2002 as executive director, and together with her team, develop activities focused on building value, knowledge and competitiveness for member companies and strengthening the national industry, focusing on efficiency and sustainability of the consumer market and better quality of life and people's health.
Responsible for the institutional relationship with technical bodies, government, and national and international markets, for the publication of informational brochures published by ABRE, development of the symbology of selective disposal, creation of the ABRE Brazilian Packaging Award, organization of events and congresses on behalf of ABRE, development strategic research, participation in packaging fairs in different countries, among other experiences.